Wednesday, October 31, 2012

10-31-12 and Thoughts on Julie Foucher

Tuesday- IWT (heavy bending) + HSPU Work
For time:
10 Power Snatch, 155
Row 500m
10 Power Clean, 225
Row 500m
10 Dead Lift, 315
Row 500m
- Time - 10:59 - Power clean was the hardest part by far.  I need to work on transitioning too.  I put the weights on as I went, and I should have rushed through that.  I liked this workout alot, pushed me.  Roughly 2:00 min / 500m pace on the rower.  I had an exam this morning and only slept for 3 hours, so I really can't complain about my time.  

I was pretty disappointed to hear about Julie.  In case you didn't know, she decided to not compete in the Games this year because of school.  If anyone understands where she is coming from, its me.  Med school is a unique grind.  Second year (the year she and I are both in) is difficult as well.  You have to take the STEP to determine basically what you can do for the rest of your life.  It's big stuff.

All that being said, I was really pulling for her to compete again this year.  She inspired me.  She was successfully pulling off the two things she and I both have a passion for.  I won't pretend to know what kind of work she was putting in to get to the Games, and I am sure it was more than I would expect, but I really wanted to see her do it.  I wanted to see her get on the podium again, not just because I am a fan, but because it makes a statement.  I had a guy in my class ask me the other day, "How do you have time for all that Crossfit stuff you do?"  I replied by asking him how he had for all that TV watching he does, or how he had time to hang out with his friends, sleep, eat?  The point I am trying to make is that Crossfit isn't just competing, its about taking care of yourself.  We don't need doctors who don't take care of themselves.  I compete because I love to, but I take care of myself because I need to. .

I hope Julie comes back next year, and I hope she still keep training. I am going to keep trying to qualify for regionals, even with the year I am facing.  Why?  Because what good is a doctor if he isn't well rounded and doesn't keep himself healthy?    

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