Sunday, August 12, 2012

8-12-12 Athlete Camp Day 2 and Final Thoughts

Event 1 - in 8 mins find 1RM Front Squat
- 365, new PR for me.  Pretty excited.  This was one of my goals for the year.  It felt really good. 

Event 2 - Max Reps of Front Squat @ 85 percent 1RM
- So for me, I had to do max reps @ 310lbs on Front Squat.  I got 2.  This is just indicative of my  training before Crossfit.  The low number of reps indicate that I have a high neuromusclar efficiency, so my one RM is a true one RM.  

Event 3 - Prowler Push @ body weight (210)
- 5:58 - Awful.  I should have done way better on this.  But the upside is that I know I need to work my lactate system, which I'll be training more as the Crossfit open rolls around, but it gives me a good look into one of my weaknesses.  

Event 4 - Right after prowler, very little break, 2 min AMRAP of 5 Chest to Bar pullups + 5 burpees
- 4 rounds + 3 CTB pullups - honestly I thought this would be lower.  I was so beat up mentally and physically from the prowler that I had low expectations for this one.  Again though, just another indication that I need to work the lactate system.

Event 5 - 12 min AMRAP 5 Wall Balls @20lbs, 7 kb swings @70lbs, 9 Box Jumps 24'' with a step down.
- 8+2 rounds - This was an aerobic event, which I am not great at, and I was gassed.  Although, this was much better than I would have done a few months ago.  I can tell a significant difference in my aerobic base just from my recovery from lactic workouts, and being "fairly" consistent through this workout.  

Final Thoughts - Take Away

Good news and what that means - 
- So, my strength is strength.  This weekend I PR'd twice (Power Clean and Front Squat), and that is without Coach Mike and I doing really specific strength training.  It looks like I can continue to get stronger by working my Creatine Phosphate battery, which we have been doing.  So that is great to know.  That means, ideally, I can train barbell strength and CP battery at the same time.

-  I also feel much better with my aerobic base.  My last workout, which was an aerobic workout, was not awesome, but I was very impressed with my recovery from lactic workouts.  I think my performance on the last event had to do with some mental fatigue and also I hurt my back a little on the prowler (yea, yea I got mad at it and hurt myself, sue me.)  Anyway, all that to say, I am pleased with the improvements I have seen from an aerobic capacity since training with Coach Mike.  Also, I was able to pick up on where I am, progress wise, aerobically and where I need to go.  

Bad news and what that means - 
- My lactate system is getting better, but it is not where it needs to be.  This is understandable, because we are in the off season of Crossfit, and therefore we are not doing much lactate training.  However, I am going to need to really push it when we do start training that system, and anytime it pops up as a tester in my programming.  I am really not good enough from a lactic standpoint to not take advantage of every chance I get to train that system.
- I need to work on some skill stuff.  This is kinda from yesterday, but I need to get better at HSPU (which we are working on) but I also need to get better at pistols and other gymnastics movements.  Honestly I just need to get better at manipulating my body, and being more in control.  That comes with time, and I get that.  But I will definitely be spending time working on movements when I take a break from studying this upcoming year.  Every hour on the hour Pistols and HSPU?  Yep, I think so.
- My last point is that I need to make my body more efficient.  I am already a big athlete (210 actually) but that seems to get in my way.  Burpees, pull ups, HSPU all of these movements are harder for me because I am bigger.  I just need to continue to tweak my diet, and maybe add in some more fasted Cardio sessions and really figure out what works for me.  If I can maintain my strength, and get back down to 200, then I'll have a good feeling about the open this year.

Final Thought 
- Thanks to Coach Mike for hosting this athlete camp.  I had a really great time, I learned a ton about programming and why we do what we do and how I can do it better. I am a big fan of sports science, and a even bigger fan of that science applied.  Mike did an awesome job, as did everyone that was there.  It was a great time.  

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