Saturday, June 30, 2012


15 min AMRAP
15 70lb KBS + 15 burpees
- 6 rounds + 10 KBS


25 bodyweight bench press for time - 4:25


5 sets of 50 double unders and 5 GH situps - complete

Comments - The top workout was my last tester of the week.  I am trying to balance intensity versus "being smart."  I paced the WOD and treated it like a MAP.  I think I did okay, but I feel like I could have gotten 7 plus, which was my initial goal.  I also learned a valuable lesson about not eating a cheat meal Friday if I am going to workout on Saturday, I was cramping a little during the WOD.  I did the bench press for two reasons, one I miss bench press and two my coach just ordered a ton of benches.  I see the exercise in my future.  The double unders were for fun and because I got a new speed rope and I am trying to get used to it.  So far, so good.

Breakfast - Protein shake
PostWOD - protein shake   
Lunch - Tacos (chicken, pork, beef, avacado on corn tortilla - gluten free)
Dinner - Paleo Chili with sweet potatoes