Sunday, September 16, 2012


Rest Day

So Coach Mike and I are going to do some evaluating.  We are going to do a tester week and start recording my food intake with more detail (calories, carbs ect ect).  Ill start with Sunday and hopefully be able to make it happen from there.

Breakfast - 4 eggs + 1/2 cup of blueberries
- (410 calories 28 grams of fat and 28 grams of protein + 7 grams of carbs)
Lunch - 1.5 cups of sweet potatoes + 5 strips of chicken
Snack - .5 cup of sweet potatoes + 1 strip of chicken + 1.5 cup of almond milk + olive oil
- (total for lunch and snack - 120 carbs + 1300 calories + 122 grams of protein + 38 grams of fat - I think for olive oil)
Dinner - 5 eggs + 1/2 cup of blueberries
- (500 calories - 35 grams of fat and 35 grams of protein + 7 grams of carbs) 

2210 calories - 101 grams of fat - 185 grams of protein + 134 grams of carbs for the day
- Ok coach, I am starting to see what you mean now.

Energy Levels - My energy was pretty low today.  It really could be a combination of things including my lack of calories.  I have 5 tests next week, I just got off the garage games.  It wasn't lack of sleep though, that's for sure, although it may be later this week. 

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